indian cinema heritage foundation

Honeymoon (1992)

  • Release Date1992
  • Genre35mm
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time154 min
  • Length4686.45 m
  • Number of Reels18
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number16799
  • Certificate Date04/06/1992
  • Shooting LocationMehboob Studios, Seth Studios, Natraj Studios P Ltd, Film City, Mayur Mahal, Matru Sharan, Navnidh Bungalow, Kamalistan, etc,

Suraj was an orphan. He could not get parental Love. He respected every mother like his mother and every father like his father. His religion was Love which he distributed among the people. To share the sorrows of mankind was his duty and he performed that duty faithfully.

In this lonely journey of life he came across Asha who falls in Love with him. She was the daughter of a multi millionaire. He further wanted to marry her in a rich family. He could not get a man of his choice for his eldest daughter Lata. Asha was younger to her Asha married Suraj but Suraj had no place to live. Where to celebrate the Honeymoon night?

A friend of Suraj gave him his bungalow to stay Asha's family came there. Suraj had to act as a servant before the parents. Lata, Asha's sister fell for Suraj. She did not know her sister Asha had already married him.

This created a difficult tricky situation.

What happened afterwards and how this tricky problem was solved to see all this see our entertaining and interesting film HONEMOON.


[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director